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John Amory, MD Principal Investigator
Jodi Smith, MD, MPH Co-Principal Investigator
Stephanie Lee, MD, MPH Co-Principal Investigator
Elizabeth (Liz) Shanahan Co-Principal Investigator
Katherine Tuttle, MD, FACP Co-Principal Investigator
Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert, PhD Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Education
Tong Sun, MS, MBA Executive Director and Assistant Dean, Translational Health Sciences
Mary L. “Nora” Disis, MD Principal Investigator Emeritus
Paul J. Martin, MD Co-Principal Investigator Emeritus
Bonnie W. Ramsey, MD Co-Principal Investigator Emeritus
Peter Tarczy-Hornoch, MD Faculty Director of Biomedical Informatics
Patrick Heagerty, PhD Faculty Director of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design
Allison Cole, MD, MPH Faculty Co-Director of Community Engagement
Kelly McGrath, MD, MS Faculty Co-Director of Community Engagement
Mary L. “Nora” Disis, MD Faculty Director of Gene and Cell Therapy Lab
Tumaini Rucker Coker, MD, MBA Faculty Co-Director of Integrating Special Populations
Brian E. Saelens, PhD Faculty Co-Director of Integrating Special Populations
Christopher Goss, MD, MSc Faculty Co-Director of Network Capacity and Hub Liaison Team
Margaret Rosenfeld, MD, MPH Faculty Co-Director of Network Capacity and Hub Liaison Team
Allison Lambert, MD, MHS Faculty Co-Director of Participant and Clinical Interactions
Katherine Tuttle, MD, FACP Faculty Co-Director of Participant and Clinical Interactions
Nina Isoherranen, PhD Faculty Co-Director of Pilots
Teddy Johnson, PE, MBA Faculty Co-Director of Pilots
Rodney Ho, PhD Faculty Co-Director of Regulatory Knowledge and Support
Jodi Smith, MD, MPH Faculty Co-Director of Regulatory Knowledge and Support
Erin Abu-Rish Blakeney, PhD, RN Faculty Co-Director of Team Science
Brenda K. Zierler, PhD, RN, FAAN Faculty Co-Director of Team Science
Sara Kim, PhD Faculty Co-Director of Translational Workforce Development
Christy McKinney, PhD Faculty Director of KL2 Program
Megan Moore, PhD, MSW Faculty Co-Director of TL1 Program
Hilaire J. Thompson, PhD, RN, ARNP Faculty Co-Director of TL1 Program
Blake Wiedenheft, PhD Faculty Co-Director of TL1 Program
Photos of John Amory, Tong Sun, Nora Disis, Teddy Johnson, Megan Moore, and Hilaire Thompson by Lisa Stromme Warren. Other photos courtesy of the subject.