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ITHS COVID-19 Research Resources

ITHS COVID-19 Research Resources

In this time of unprecedented research need, the Institute of Translational Health Sciences is working relentlessly to provide research resources and help accelerate research that will help resolve the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are proud to help our physicians and scientists at the University of Washington and all across Seattle. This is why ITHS is offering various resources to support research focused on COVID-19.

In an effort to compile and track all the active clinical research related to COVID-19 at UW, we have created a UW COVID-19 Clinical Research webpage. This webpage will host a list of current COVID-19 research projects with information valuable to interested scientists and participants. We will keep updating this list as more trials become available.

Below you will also find a COVID-19 Research Portal where researchers in need of COVID-19 biospecimens and/or proposing clinical research with persons with or at risk for COVID-19 can submit a request.

ITHS is committed to supporting investigators focusing on COVID-19 research. For this reason, we are expediting eight $2,500 ITHS COVID-19 Research Awards. These awards are designed to provide funding and/or resources to investigators who can have an urgent need and can demonstrate the difference or impact this award will have on their research. This funding can be applied towards the purchase of supplies or core, in-kind services provided by ITHS.

If your human subjects research was put on hold by the pandemic, guidance has been issued to help you get back to work under current conditions. Please see the Restarting Research Involving Inpatients at UW Sites page for more information.