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COVID-19 Research Portal


The UW ITHS COVID-19 Working Group was sunset on February 23, 2021. Researchers proposing COVID-19 studies at UW are no longer required to obtain approval via this research portal.

UW ITHS COVID-19 Research Review Working Group

The UW ITHS COVID-19 Research Review Working Group was formed to implement a systematic review process for proposals submitted to the University of Washington. As the availability of clinical samples and persons with or at risk for COVID-19 may not satisfy all requests, this working group was tasked with determination of research priorities.

This working group adhered to these primary goals:

  • To provide a fair and transparent system for scientific review and prioritization for COVID-19 research at UW.
  • To ensure that research conducted is both of high priority and of high quality.
  • To facilitate COVID-19 research that will benefit patient care.