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Event2018 Introduction to Clinical Research Boot Camp
Select your trackResearch Staff Track ($50.00)
About You
NameJenny Skytta
Email addressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(206) 987-5476
AppointmentNot Applicable
InstitutionSeattle Children's Hospital
Position/TitleCRA III
How many years have you been working in clinical research?5-8
What types of clinical research have you been involved in?
  • Industry sponsored clinical trials
  • Investigator initiated clinical trials
  • Biobehavioral
  • Observational
What have been your primary tasks?
  • Institutional Review Board submissions
  • Study startup and implementation
  • Recruitment
How did you hear about the event?
  • Other
You selected "other". Please let us know how you heard about the event.My manager
Day 1Turkey and Brie Croissant
Day 2Roast Beef with Cheddar Cheese
How will you remit payment?Check
Internal Use Only
Registration IDBC18f1fc2
Entry ID9237
Entry DateMay 30, 2018