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Event2018 Introduction to Clinical Research Boot Camp
Select your trackResearch Staff Track ($50.00)
About You
NameErin LePoire
Email addressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(630) 200-0488
AppointmentNot Applicable
InstitutionUniversity of Washington
Departmenthealth services
Position/Titlegraduate research assistant
How many years have you been working in clinical research?0-2
What types of clinical research have you been involved in?
  • Biobehavioral
  • Observational
What have been your primary tasks?
  • Institutional Review Board submissions
  • Study startup and implementation
  • Data management
  • Recruitment
How did you hear about the event?
  • ITHS Email
Day 1Turkey and Brie Croissant
Day 2Roasted Vegetable Focaccia (V)
How will you remit payment?Credit/Debit Card
Internal Use Only
Transaction ID080518E3D-86410651-44D2-4DCA-8632-B954A0A9BFCF
Registration IDBC1842e85
Entry ID8909
Entry DateMay 8, 2018