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Genomics, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

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P.O. Box 19024, DE-740 Seattle, WA 98109
1200 Westlake Avenue North Seattle Washington 98109 US
(206) 667-2714(206) 667-2714

The Genomics Shared Resource provides expertise to support the generation of genomics-based data. Services are provided through three specialized laboratories: 1) DNA Array, 2) Genetic Analysis, and 3) High-Throughput Screening. The Resource has partnered with the Bioinformatics Shared Resource to provide a streamlined set of complete services.

Genomics offers:

  • CE Sequencing
  • DNA/RNA QC TapeStation
  • Fragment Analysis
  • High Throughput Screening
  • Microarrays
  • Nanostring nCounter
  • NextGen SequencingPyro
  • Mark Sequencing
  • Real-time PCR
Center Director(s)
Jeff Delrow, PhD
Available to
Resource Type
Core Laboratory
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
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Cite ITHSThe Institute is supported by grants UL1 TR002319, KL2 TR002317, and TL1 TR002318 from the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program (CTSA).

Please help us continue to support your research by citing our grant number(s) in publications we supported.