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WONDER: Washington study of Outcomes, Neural Development, and Early Risk

WONDER: Washington study of Outcomes, Neural Development, and Early Risk

The WONDER research study uses technology and behavioral assessments to monitor and map social brain development.

The study consists of 5 in-person study visits during the first three years of life at our research lab in Seattle. During visits, researchers will record brain activity and eye movements while showing your child pictures and videos. They will engage your child in play-based activities to assess different aspects of development, such as language and motor skills. One caregiver will be asked to complete questionnaires around the same time as the study visits, and 4 phone interviews over the course of the study. Feedback on standardized assessments is provided in the form of a written summary report. Families may receive $400-$425 by the end of the study for completing all the study activities. Parking validation is provided.

Participant Eligibility

We are recruiting English speaking families with infants under the age of 6 months to be part of one of three groups:
1. Infants with an older sibling (whole or half) with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
2. Infants born with low birth weight – 3lbs., 15oz. or less (1800g).
3. Infants born weighing more than 5lbs., 5oz. (2500g) with no known serious medical conditions, and no 1st or 2nd degree relatives with ASD.


WONDER Study Team
(206) 884-9637

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
Washington study of Outcomes, Neural Development, and Early Risk

Study ID: STUDY00001148
Start Date: 04/24/2019
End Date: 4/16/2021

Dr. Sara Webb
Dr. Frederick Shic

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

Seattle Children’s Research Institute

2001 8th Ave
Seattle, Washington 98105


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