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Transport Task/Pregnancy

Transport Task/Pregnancy

This study examines how pregnant and non-pregnant women make decisions during common daily activities and tasks, like carrying objects. We want to determine if factors of physical and mental load influence these decisions differently between these groups. Participants will be asked to attend one, 50-60 minute testing session. The study will take place in the Gait and Posture Biomechanics Lab (Smith Gym) on the WSU-Pullman campus. Height, weight, and visual acuity will be measured. Women will participate in an object transport task while fitted with a mobile eye tracking device. Additionally, the participants will complete a series of surveys that assess physical and mental load, stress, anxiety and depression, and fall efficacy. There will be a $30 Amazon Gift Card as compensation for the testing session and free parking.

Participant Eligibility

Who can participate?

•Individuals born female who have never been in a transgender medical transition (age 18-40) who:

•Are pregnant and are within 27-40 weeks of gestation (third trimester)

•Speak English fluently

•Do not have a temporary or permanent medical condition which prevents or makes it difficult to engage in physical activity (e.g., showing symptoms of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or some other chronic disease)

•Are not on medications that can affect balance or ability to engage in physical activity

•Do not have any physical condition that would impair ability to walk and pick up objects with both hands.


Lisa Fournier
(509) 335-4415

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
Object Transport Task Performance Among Pregnant and Non-pregnant Women

Study ID: #20159-001
Start Date: 01/08/2024
End Date: 04/14/2024

Lisa Fournier
Caroline Schutz (me)
Robert Catena

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

Washington State University

1345 NE Colorado St. Smith Gym 21
Pullman, Washington 99163


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