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Digestive System & Liver

Digestive System & Liver

Participate in Research is designed to connect potential volunteers with open research studies. We are looking for volunteers just like you to help answer important questions about the digestive system and liver. This page lists digestive system and liver studies that may apply to you or someone you know. If you find a study that you’d like to participate in, you can contact the study team with questions or to volunteer. Join us to improve the health of others.

More Information

UW Medicine Digestive Health
UW Medicine

UW Medicine’s Digestive Health Institute provides comprehensive and innovative treatment for diseases and disorders of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts small intestine, colon, rectum, anus, pelvic floor, as well as preventive screenings to evaluate patients’ digestive tract health.

UW Medicine Liver Care and Transplantation Services
UW Medicine

UW Medicine’s Liver Care specialists, located at UW Medical Center, provide patients an uncommon wealth of experience across the spectrum of liver diseases. Our hepatologists treat patients with viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis and metabolic disorders. We manage patients’ liver cancer, end-stage liver disease and transplantation.

Active Studies

Experiences with Chronic Gastrointestinal Conditions (HRPP#11366EP24)

EXPERIENCES WITH CHRONIC GASTROINTESTINAL CONDITIONS (HRPP#11366EP24) You are invited to participate in a study about your brain and gut! The goal of this research study is to identify specific resources that could help those with chronic gastrointestinal conditions manage the impact of their condition. This…

Hospice Brain Map Study

Help solve the mysteries of the brain. Help us discover future treatments for brain injury and disease. We still do not fully understand how the human brain works. Much of how our brains function and how the parts are organized remains a mystery. Brains are…

HIV reservoir in blood and inflammation in the intestine.

The purpose of this study is to understand whether HIV medications can produce inflammation in the intestine (“your gut”) and affect the size of the HIV reservoir in people living with HIV. There are two study visits: General health assessment and medical history Endoscopy and…

Comparison of Surgery and Medicine on the Impact of Diverticulitis (COSMID) Trial

https://becertain.org/projects/diverticulitis-care/cosmid-study/about COSMID is a pragmatic, patient-level randomized superiority trial of elective colectomy vs. best medical management for patients with quality of life (QoL)-limiting diverticulitis. The COSMID trial focuses on both patient-reported outcomes and clinical outcomes that matter to patients. The results are expected to establish…
