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Participate in Research is designed to connect potential volunteers with open research studies. We are looking for volunteers just like you to help answer important questions about COVID-19. This page lists studies that may apply to you or someone you know. If you find a study that you’d like to participate in, you can contact the study team with questions or to volunteer. Join us to improve the health of others.

Active Studies

  • Participate in the SNIFLS Study and Help Us Understand Viral Spread in Seattle! We’re excited to introduce the Seattle Network for Influenza and Flu-like Symptoms (SNIFLS) Study You may qualify to participate if you meet the following criteria: You are at least 18 years old.......

  • We are currently looking for individuals who have had a diagnosis of COVID-19 within the last 6 months. We are offering a $15.00 incentive gift card for individuals who meet recruitment criteria (e.g., have had COVID-19 within the last 6 months), and who attend an......

  • This study, conducted by the University of Washington, is collecting user feedback and investigating the usability of our lab’s recently developed lollipop-inspired sampling system, CandyCollect, which enables at-home collection of bacteria and viruses associated with respiratory disease in saliva. CandyCollect will be sent to participants......

  • Thank you for your interest in our study! Castner Incorporated, with Research & Marketing Strategies, is currently recruiting adults aged 62 or older who suffer from respiratory problems to take a survey about at-home emergency preparedness. We are hoping to learn more about individuals’ preparedness......

  • This study, conducted by the University of Washington, is collecting user feedback and investigating the usability of our lab’s recently developed lollipop-inspired sampling system, CandyCollect, which enables at-home collection of bacteria and viruses associated with respiratory disease in saliva. CandyCollect will be sent to participants......

  • In the United States (US), reports document over 47 million cases and more than 760,000 deaths, costing nearly $17 trillion in 2020 (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2020; Cutler & Summers, 2020). While the magnitude of the problem remains unknown, knowing the sheer number of......

  • ...

  • The purpose of this pilot study is to record the daily human activities, and to develop predictive models of physical activity. We hope this study will enable researchers to test and validate new technologies that may subsequently be used to study and inform researchers and......

  • Are you a healthcare worker directly working with COVID-19 patients? We want to interview you to learn about your experiences with mental health and suicide risk during this difficult time such that we can learn how to better support you. Please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/SPUFrontline......

  • The aim of the proposed study is to examine the experience of parents of school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents are filling multiple conflicting roles during this pandemic as they juggle their own jobs and the new role of teacher to their child(ren), while......
