01 Sep Research Study on Asthma
The goal of this study is to learn more about the causes of asthma, particularly what underlies asthma symptoms and the reasons some people have asthma while others do not.
As a part of this study, we are asking volunteers with asthma to undergo lung function testing, with samples collected from sputum (mucus from the lungs) and blood.
This study includes up to six visits at the University of Washington Medical Center – Montlake campus.
Study volunteers will receive free parking and $50 per visit.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the interest survey at the bottom of this page.
Participant Eligibility
– Must be between the ages 18 and 59 years old
– Must have no other major medical problems
– Non-smoker or have not smoked in the past year
– Individuals with asthma are needed
Aliyah Cleveland
(206) 543-2140
Additional Study Details
Full Study Title
Epithelial regulation of the immune response in asthma
Dr. Teal Hallstrand
Dr. Ryan Murphy
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Study Site(s)
UW Medical Center – Montlake
1959 NE Pacific St Lung Function Testing Clinic
Seattle, Washington 91819