Participate in Research | Reducing Disaster-related Respiratory Health Disparities
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Reducing Disaster-related Respiratory Health Disparities

Reducing Disaster-related Respiratory Health Disparities

Thank you for your interest in our study! Castner Incorporated, with Research & Marketing Strategies, is currently recruiting adults aged 62 or older who suffer from respiratory problems to take a survey about at-home emergency preparedness. We are hoping to learn more about individuals’ preparedness and learn how to help individuals be better prepared for emergency events. You are invited to participate in our survey.

Please note, your responses will be confidential and only be reported in a way that can’t identify you. It should take 30-minutes to complete. To thank you for your participation, you can enroll into a sweepstakes to win a $100 VISA gift card if the survey is completed.

To access the survey, please follow the link below:

Thank you and have a great day!

Participant Eligibility

You may qualify if you:

– Are 62 years of age or older

– Have been diagnosed with a chronic respiratory illness

– Meet our other screening questionnaire eligibility for activities of daily living, cognitive function, etc.


Taryn Amberson
(808) 475-9784

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
Precision Assessment Algorithm for Reducing Disaster-related Respiratory Health Disparities

Study ID: Pro00063359
Start Date: 05/13/2022
End Date: 07/31/2023

Dr. Jessica Castner

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

This study is being conducted via an online survey only. Below is Castner Incorporated’s mailing address.

1879 Whitehaven Road 150
Grand Island, New York 14072


Use the link below to send a message to the study coordinator, or call the number above to speak directly with a study representative.

I am interested in this research study.
