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BRIDGE study of Type 1 Diabetes at Benaroya Research Institute

BRIDGE study of Type 1 Diabetes at Benaroya Research Institute

We are inviting you to participate in a research study to help us improve our understanding of diabetes and immune mediated diseases. The study consists of a computer registry where we store your contact, research, and health information, and a sample repository where we keep blood and other biologic samples for current and future use in our research. The samples will be used for many different studies.

An important part of this study is the sharing of information between researchers of different immune-mediated diseases. Therefore, the samples and information obtained in this study are part of BRI’s Immune-Mediated Diseases Registry and Repository.

• You will be asked to come in for one or more study visits. We will ask you for information about you and your health. This may be obtained by interview, physical examinations, and questionnaires, and may also be gathered from your medical record.

• We may contact you to see if you will come in for additional study visits or to update your health and contact information. We will always tell you what we need and let you decide if you are able to help us at that time. We may also contact you to let you know that you may be eligible for other studies.

Participant Eligibility

-Type 1 diabetes diagnosis
-Age 1 year and up


the BRI Outreach Team
(800) 888-4187

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
Diabetes Translational Research Project (BRIDGE)

Study ID: IRB 10024
Start Date: 10/01/2005
End Date: 12/31/2025

Carla Greenbaum, MD

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

Benaroya Research Institute

1201 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98101


Use the link below to send a message to the study coordinator, or call the number above to speak directly with a study representative.

I am interested in this research study.
