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Bilingual Word Learning Study

Bilingual Word Learning Study

Early language skills are important for academic outcomes. We are investigating how bilingual learners develop two languages. We want to know what types of language exposure children hear in English and Spanish, how children interact with their parents in English and Spanish at home, and how children learn new words in English and Spanish. Our study includes young children with typically developing language and children with language delays. Our research will improve early identification of language delays and support new interventions for bilingual learners.

Participant Eligibility

Spanish and English learning children between 12-36 months old who receive services for their language development (i.e., diagnosed with a language delay) and those who have typical language development.


Dr. Amy Pace
(206) 685-2199

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
Validating Dynamic Assessment of Word Learning for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children in Early Intervention: A Development and Efficacy Study

Study ID: STUDY00005962
Start Date: 12/22/2021
End Date: 12/31/2023

Amy Pace, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

Participant home

Participant home
Seattle, Washington 98195


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