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Author: Tina Taylor

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Automation and Adults study. The main purpose of the study is to examine your perspective on automation and your daily experiences. To be eligible for the study, you must meet ALL of the following criteria:  You are...

For people age 12 – 35 years who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the past 3 months, this study tests two JAK inhibitors (abrocitinib and ritlecitinib) to see if either or both can preserve insulin production. TrialNet researchers are testing two different JAK...

To obtain more information about the study, please email us or complete the research study interest form online: https://redcap.link/csm-ibd Goal of the study We are pilot testing a comprehensive self-management program. We hope to learn what people with inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease) think of...

We are currently looking for individuals who have had a diagnosis of COVID-19 within the last 6 months. We are offering a $15.00 incentive gift card for individuals who meet recruitment criteria (e.g., have had COVID-19 within the last 6 months), and who attend an appointment...

First in human clinical trial of a next generation, long-acting injectable, combination anti-retroviral therapy platform. This study will look at drug levels in the blood over time and the safety of a single injection of a new investigational medicine that combines existing short-acting oral drugs...

This study, conducted by the University of Washington, is collecting user feedback and investigating the usability of our lab’s recently developed lollipop-inspired sampling system, CandyCollect, which enables at-home collection of bacteria and viruses associated with respiratory disease in saliva. CandyCollect will be sent to participants...
