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Author: Tina Taylor

Fred Hutch looking for men to participate in a short study to better understand the diet/microbiome puzzle!  Keep a 3-day food record, collect a stool sample and come for a blood draw (South Lake Union). Looking for healthy men, between 18 and 65 years old. $100...

ConnectionsRx is a technology-based, distance intervention aimed to increase community participation of emerging adults (18-30 years old) with serious mental illnesses. Participants will be enrolled in the study for 6 months and receive support to help meet community participation goals. All interviews done with participants...

Prehabilitation refers to the process of improving a patient's functional capabilities prior to a surgical procedure with the goal of decreasing post-surgical inactivity and physical decline. This clinical trial evaluates the utility of a personalized home-based prehabilitation exercise intervention for the improvement of physical function...

The Murray Lab is looking for autistic and non-autistic participants aged 18-30 for the Brain Engagement Attention and Modeling (BEAM) study exploring how the brain’s visual system processes motion. Participants will complete online structured interviews and around 6 sessions of computer, behavioral, EEG, and MRI...

Do you struggle with binge eating? Want to receive free treatment? Research at Drexel University are looking for volunteers to participate in a NIH-funded study offering a free, remote, self-guided treatment. Individuals aged 18-65 having BMI ≥ 18.5 may be eligible to participate. Up to...

Calling all caregivers with little ones! We are currently recruiting infants under six months to co-enroll with a biological older sibling (3 years or older) in the Sibling Language Development study. The goal of the study is to investigate the underlying neural mechanisms in infants at...

The purpose of this study is to use brain imaging to understand the changes in the brain that may be responsible for memory problems in old age and associated disorders. Your participation will contribute to scientific research that may help us understand more accurate ways...
