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Author: Tina Taylor

PURPOSE: This study aims to explore Black adults’ experience with alcohol and perceptions of their neighborhood and community. Through a Zoom interview (60-90 minutes), we aim to identify sources of hardships and strengths within neighborhoods that contribute to or protect against health inequities and investigate...

The study aims to investigate how cannabis use influences people on work-related phenomena. Your participation would involve uploading your test kit result, and completing a series of cognitive tasks. The study will take approximately 60 minutes. You will earn a $25 Amazon Gift Card if...

https://chpswtemple.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5hbNLq0dceh8TFc Participant Eligibility We are looking for participants who: Are willing to participate in a 6-month intervention to get out of the house and engage in more meaningful activities. Are available to meet on the day the intervention takes place. Are experiencing significant mental health issues. Live in the United States. Are...

We are conducting the study to learn more about the physical and mental effects of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), aging, substance use and the possible effects of antiretroviral medications (ARVs). Participation in the study may or may not benefit you directly, but may...

The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how bacteria cause bleeding gums (gingivitis). Gingivitis is the result of normal dental plaque accumulation, however, gingivitis is easily reversed by cleaning away the dental plaque. The study will evaluate the effects of...

Researchers at Cleveland State University are interested in understanding how individuals who purposely hurt themselves without the intent to die regulate their emotions in daily life. This study involves completing online questionnaires, interviews via videoconferencing or phone, and responding to brief surveys on your cell phone...

Goal: We are trying to learn if there are changes in the brain in children and teens with type 2 diabetes. If you decide to take part in this 2-hour study, you would complete: 1. Questionnaires 2. A fasting blood draw 3. Body measurements including a DXA Scan 4. Brain...
