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Author: Tina Taylor

This research study is being conducted to learn more about what is important to those diagnosed with a myelodysplastic disease in efforts to improve how drug developers measure quality of life and the patient experience when developing new products. The objective of this research study...

Identify patients and families with novel rare/atypical forms of diabetes and characterize the underlying molecular mechanisms Outreach and inclusivity of minority and underrepresented populations Perform genetic and phenotypic characterization of participants Construct an access-controlled biorepository and database Make data and biosamples available to the scientific community to advance research...

The E-TIPS trial will evaluate an evidence-based, telehealth pain self-management intervention compared to standard care (a waitlist) for chronic pain in adults with physical disabilities who are employed. Participants from anywhere in the US will be randomized to either E-TIPS, a cognitive-behavioral pain self-management intervention...

The main purpose of this study/trial is to test whether patients with HMGCR myopathy can be safely and effectively treated with IVIG as their only medication for this condition. Participant Eligibility Potential subjects must meet the following: - Have a positive Anti-HMGCR antibody lab result within 12...

The purpose of this pilot study is to record the daily human activities, and to develop predictive models of physical activity. We hope this study will enable researchers to test and validate new technologies that may subsequently be used to study and inform researchers and...

The purpose of this study is to better understand how exposure to the hormones estradiol and cortisol influence the body’s processing of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive component of cannabis. THC use is increasingly common among pregnant women, and it is not known how exposure...
