05 Apr Understanding Speech Production
The common procedure across these studies consists of recording the participants’ speech utterances acoustically (i.e., recording the speech output with a microphone) and making acoustic measures from the obtained recordings. In some studies, the participants wear insert earphones through which they can hear their own speech and this feedback signal may be altered to study the role of auditory feedback in speech production.
We are recruiting typical speakers for a wide variety of experiments. All of our research study participants will be compensated $15/hr for their time, in addition to receiving a free hearing screening as part of the study. Additionally, we can reimburse for parking as needed.
Feel free to email the Max Lab at MaxLab@uw.edu.
Participant Eligibility
- Stuttering and non-stuttering adults
- Aged between 18-60
- Must be capable of providing written informed consent
- Must have normal hearing
Elise LeBovidge
(206) 543-2674
Additional Study Details
Full Study Title
Acoustic Characteristics of Speech Production in Stuttering and Nonstuttering Individuals
Dr. Ludo Max
Kwang Seob Kim
Dr. Takashi Mitsuya
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Study Site(s)
University of Washington
University of Washington Department of Speech and Hearing Science,s Laboratory for Speech Physiology and Motor Control, 4101 15th Avenue NE Street Room 31
Seattle, Washington 98105
Use the link below to send a message to the study coordinator, or call the number above to speak directly with a study representative.