18 Feb Social Media Use and Well-being
The purpose of this virtual study is to explore social media experiences and well-being. The link for the screener survey, administered in REDCap, is available here:
Our research aims to deepen our understanding of how teens use and experience social media as compared to social interactions in-person and how both influence (i.e., changes, supports, detracts from) their well-being. Individual teens can participate alone or with their caregivers. Participation involves at least 6 weeks of daily smartphone surveys and periodic virtual meetings. Eligible families will attend an onboarding meeting to fully enroll into the study and become familiar with study protocols.
Participant Eligibility
Must be fluent and literate in English, no history of traumatic brain injury or cognitive, linguistic, or social disabilities, and access to a personal smartphone with internet and data capabilities.
Sandi Olson
(206) 543-2640
Additional Study Details
Full Study Title
Heterogeneity in joint real-time and developmental influences of positive and negative social media experiences on socioemotional vulnerability and psychopathology across adolescence.
Dr. Katherine Foster
Dr. Lucía Magis-Weinberg
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Study Site(s)
University of Washington
3751 W Stevens Way NE Kincaid Hall Suite 302
Seattle, Washington 98195