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Hand Function Assessment Interfaces

Hand Function Assessment Interfaces

We are a group of researchers conducting a study to develop an interface that can help clinicians and patients assess one’s hand function. Regular tools do not show small changes in hand and arm movements very well, and they are laborious and time-consuming. Our study uses new wearable technology and machine learning to create a tool that can assess one’s hand and arm function in a fast and easy-to-understand manner.

Participant Eligibility

1. Between 18 and 80 years of age at the time of recruitment.
2. Radiologically documented stroke, occurred above the level of the midbrain and resulted in hemiplegia/hemiparesis
3. At least 6 months post stroke
4. Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment score “moderate” or “moderate-mild” (29-53 inclusive out of 66) at the screening visit
5. Medically and neurologically stable, as determined by medical history and documented physical examination
6. Ability to attend functional task assessment
7. Adequate social support to participate in all baseline/follow-up assessment sessions throughout study
8. Ability to read, comprehend and speak English

1. Aphasia or any other deficit in communication that interfere with reasonable study participation
2. Modified Rankin Score of ≥4
3. Montreal Cognitive Assessment score <18 (moderate to severe cognitive impairment)
4. Presence of anosognosia (self-awareness disorder) and/or unilateral spatial neglect (inability to perceive or awareness of, or loss of attention to the weaker half of the body) documented by star cancellation test
5. Severe spasticity as defined by an Ashworth score of 4 in any muscle of affected upper limb
6. Botulinum toxin injection to the upper limb muscles within 6 months prior to enrollment
7. Presence of severe joint contractures in the affected hand and arm that may interfere with study activities or outcome measures
8. Coexistent neurological condition, such as multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, ALS, spinal cord injury, central nervous system vasculitis, intracranial tumor, intracranial aneurysm, or peripheral neuropathy (diabetic polyneuropathy, entrapment neuropathy), etc.
9. Major active psychiatric illness that might interfere with treatment, such as severe depression, alcohol and/or drug abuse or dementia
10. Serious comorbidities (e.g., cardiac arrhythmia, uncontrolled hypertension, respiratory disease, renal failure, diabetes, chronic infectious disease, etc.) that would prevent participation in study procedures
11. Skin conditions or history of severe allergy (i.e., allergic reaction that could not be treated with antihistaminic medication) that may affect electrode placement
12. Lack of ability to fully comprehend, cooperate, comply, and/or safely perform study procedures in the investigator’s opinion/judgment
13. Unable to read and/or comprehend the consent form
14. Received upper extremity surgery altering typical moving pattern and muscle recruitment.


Adria Robert Gonzalez
(206) 221-8961

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
Developing Interfaces for Hand and Arm Function Assessment Using Machine Learning

Study ID: STUDY00019593
Start Date: 02/23/2024
End Date: 09/01/2024

Dr. Chet Moritz

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

AMP Lab, University of Washington

3737 Brooklyn Ave NE Wallace Hall, AMP Lab
Seattle, Washington 98105



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