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The Institute of Translational Health Sciences announced today the launch of new website focused on the study, “Attitudes about the Ethics of Research on Medical Practices (RoMP),” which is a collaboration between ITHS and Spectrum at Stanford University. The RoMP study is assessing the ethical implications of the use of randomization within clinical settings to examine standard medical practice interventions....

Forms & Templates ITHS offers a variety of forms and templates to researchers and investigators to support their work. Letters of Support Study Document Templates Institutional Forms IND & IDE Support Citation Information ITHS Logo & Usage Policy...

Study Document Templates Startup 256 kBGCP Checklist51 KBStudy Start-Up Checklist177 kBDSMB Charter Template220 KBAll Startup Files Implementation 42 KBStudy Implementation Checklist58 kBDSMB Report Template94 KBSelf-QA-Regulatory Documents Checklist95 KBSelf-QA-Participant Records Checklist121 KBAll Implementation Files Closeout 39 KBStudy Closeout Checklist Regulatory Binder Forms 155 kBRegulatory Binder Contents Checklist208 kBStudy Contact Information149 kBSignature List and Delegation of Responsibilities Log139 kBStudy Personnel Licensure Verification136...

Links to Institutional Forms IRB forms for Fred Hutch IRB and other research forms for Seattle Children’s Research Institute IRB and other research forms for University of Washington...

IND & IDE Support IDE Templates and Forms For more information and guidance, see “IDE Development.” External LinkFDA Forms66 kBStudy Protocol for a medical device study32 kBIDE Submission22 kBIDE Cover Letter110 kBAll IDE Templates IND Templates and Forms For more information and guidance, see “IND Development.” Initial Submission External LinkFDA Forms22 kBRequest for IND Waiver 26 kBRequest for Pre-IND Meeting17...

The lines between research and clinical care are becoming increasingly blurred in today’s clinical research environment as greater emphasis is being placed on comparative effectiveness research. The blurring of these lines raises questions for researchers, however, about the ethical implications of using randomization within clinical settings to examine standard medical practice interventions. A new study led by the Institute of...

Researchers have long debated whether excess weight gain is a result of genetic predisposition or an acquired trait. A neuroimaging study currently underway at the University of Washington is attempting to better understand this topic to provide new data for prevention and intervention efforts. The study, which is led by Dr. Ellen Schur, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine,...

Yoshio Hall, MD, MS What started as an observation about chronic kidney disease (CKD) in medically underserved populations during residency has turned into the focus of the research of Dr. Yoshio Hall, an Associate Professor in the University of Washington’s Division of Nephrology and Core Investigator in the Kidney Research Institute. As a result of his work, public health systems...

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences announced today the acceptance of 12 University of Washington students into its yearlong TL1 Multidisciplinary Pre-doctoral Clinical Research Training Program. The TL1 program provides core curriculum and interdisciplinary research experience to pre-doctoral students across all health professions. The goal of the program is to increase the number of well-trained clinician-scientists capable of assuming lead...

Do you have a successful REDCap project that you would like to reuse or repurpose for another project? If you do, then you might want to consider using the REDCap “Copy Project” button, which lets you copy all the events, forms, variables, and settings into a new project. During the copy process, you will have the opportunity to edit the...