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Latino communities are growing rapidly in the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho) region that the Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) serves. Also growing is the need for high-quality, community-engaged health research to promote the health of these diverse communities, which face significant social, economic, and health disparities. That is why ITHS, the National Institutes of Health, and...

The PENUT (Preterm Epo Neuroprotection) trial is a new study being led by University of Washington researchers who are assessing whether erythropoietin (Epo) can provide neurological protection for infants who are born extremely prematurely. This study is seeking a treatment for the approximately 50,000 infants a year in the United States who are born at less than 28 weeks of...

Dr. Aaron Kusano, a resident in the University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology, has research interests that he admits fall a bit outside the conventional realm of radiation oncology. He has examined the burnout amongst academic chairs of radiation oncology departments in the past. He also took a look at the bereavement practices of cancer and palliative care physicians...

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) hosted 14 researchers from five different Chinese hospitals on Tuesday, January 14, 2014. The delegation, which was organized and led by Dr. Tim Shi of GlobalMD, was interested in learning more about translational research, the ITHS Clinical Research Center, other ITHS clinical resources, stakeholder engagement, and the ITHS strategic planning process and subsequent...

If a trauma patient has uncontrolled bleeding, the therapeutic priority is to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. However, a patient may have hard-to-diagnose, life-threatening condition called trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) that can increase blood loss. A team led by Nathan Sniadecki in the UW Department of Mechanical Engineering and Nathan White in the UW Division of Emergency Medicine is...

When you meet Tueng Shen, who is both a medical doctor seeing patients and a researcher and engineer, she makes you comfortable right away. She uses her own story of straddling cultures to illustrate a special strength of the translational sciences world, where she feels her own straddling of engineering and clinical practice is celebrated and encouraged by the Institute...

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences has reopened its Gene and Cell Therapy Lab. As a biologic manufacturing facility designed to support Phase I/II clinical trials, the lab recently redesigned its operations to address the unique requirements for novel gene and cell therapy products. Located within the UW Medical Center, the 2200 sq.ft clean room facility is ISO class 7,...

In the world of drug development, researchers may experience many false starts and tests before a compound successfully makes it through clinical trials and enters the market. In fact, approximately 1 in 12 treatments ever make it to patients. What happens to promising molecular compounds that have undergone extensive pre-clinical and safety testing but don’t quite reach the market? The...

If you’ve been the recipient of ITHS resources, please mention us in your publication, press release, or presentation. Just copy and paste our pre-written text into your document. We’ve included the basic guidelines below. Thank you for your cooperation in acknowledging our support of your work. Example Citations “This publication [or project] was supported by the National Center For Advancing...