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REDCap Action Tag Spotlight: @IMAGEMAP

body image map

REDCap Action Tag Spotlight: @IMAGEMAP

For many types of research, having a clickable image would make data collection a whole lot easier. The IMAGEMAP action tag enables you to design a survey in which certain text fields become part of an interactive, selectable, image. Check out the image collection below to see the six current options.

Current @IMAGEMAP Image library

Please note that the @IMAGEMAP action tag and related parameters are not included in the pre-generated list of action tags, so it must be typed in manually. Instructions are included later in this tip.

Related to Pain & Emotion

Pain map male: a representation of a male body / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=PAINMAP_MALE
Pain map female: a representation of a female body / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=PAINMAP_FEMALE
Smile Scale / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=SMILE_SCALE
Smile Scale: six face diagram that depicts emotions / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=SMILE_SCALE

Related to Dentistry

Single tooth / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=SINGLE_TOOTH
Single tooth: a single tooth with five-surface depictions / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=SINGLE_TOOTH
Teeth surface odonotogram / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=TEETH_SURFACE
Teeth surface odonotogram: five-surface with permanent and deciduous dentition with universal numbering / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=TEETH_SURFACE
Teeth simple / @IMAGEMAP=TEETH
Teeth simple: mandible image with 32 teeth / Action Tag: @IMAGEMAP=TEETH

How to use the @IMAGEMAP action tag

To add the @IMAGEMAP action tag, type @IMAGEMAP=“[imagemap name]” in the action tag box for any text box variable. Currently, this action tag is not included in the pre-generated list of tags, so they it be manually entered. Next, choose the image that you would like to have displayed by the typing in the image map name (see list below). Note, this action tag must be added individually to each text box variable for which you would like the image to appear.



Adding an imagemap action tag

More About Action Tags

For a complete review of using Action tags, check out the following REDCap Tip of the Month.

Modify Individual Survey Fields with Action Tags
Ever wish you could make a certain field read-only? Well, action tags will allow you to do that and more.
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