22 Jul NIH Accepts ITHS Abstract for Poster Presentation
The Institute of Translational Health Sciences has been selected to present its new Research START (Study and Trial Accelerator for Research Teams) project at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) workshop on the Enrollment and Retention of Participants in NIH-funded Clinical Trials. The workshop, which is taking place Friday, July 25, on the main NIH campus in Maryland, will allow ITHS to describe how it is addressing challenges with clinical trial enrollment and retention.
Research START is a three-phase, 18-month project designed to identify root causes of low enrollment into clinical trials. The first phase of the project is focused on literature review and data gathering via a survey process. The second phase will involve reviewing quantitative study data to generate interventions to target barriers to enrollment. The final phase of the project will involve an observational or quasi-experimental study on the impact of the proposed intervention(s).
To learn more about the Research START project, please contact Dr. Ann Melvin, Dr. Mark Stein, or Dr. Ann Stapleton.