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ITHS Provides Development Training to Alaska’s Southcentral Foundation

ITHS Provides Development Training to Alaska’s Southcentral Foundation

ITHS Provides Development Training to Alaska’s Southcentral FoundationThe Institute of Translational Health Sciences recently completed a three-day in-person training session in Anchorage, Alaska, for the investigators and research support staff at Southcentral Foundation’s Research Department. The training, which was led by a team from the ITHS Research Coordinator Core, presented attendees with topics that included addressing ethical issues in research, consenting research participants, managing studies, working through problems, and ensuring appropriate regulatory record keeping.

“I feel as though I have a better perspective of how these (research) processes are being done elsewhere as well as how I can improve my own processes,” said Austen Rogers, Program Coordinator in the Foundation’s research department. “I would highly recommend this training to other departments.”

ITHS, which routinely provides research implementation core skills education, worked with Southcentral Foundation to customize training to meet the unique research needs of their staff. The Foundation provides health and wellness services to Alaska Natives and American Indians who live in the Anchorage area and nearby villages, serving a geographical area of more than 100,000 square miles across Southcentral Alaska. The Foundation’s research focuses on topics that include the following:

  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Mental health
  • Diabetes
  • Neonatology
  • Addiction
  • Healthcare utilization and access
  • Wellness
  • Behavioral therapy

To learn more about how the ITHS Research Coordinator Core can support your research, please contact Mandy Morneault by email at or by phone at (206) 355-5210.