12 Mar Latino Center for Health Small Grants Program RFA
The Latino Center for Health (LCH) at the University of Washington provides leadership to promote the health and well-being of Latinos in Washington State, regionally and nationally, across the lifespan. The Latino Center for Health brings about sustainable changes in health through innovative community-engaged research partnerships, as well as mentorship and training opportunities for University of Washington students and faculty. The Center draws on the multidisciplinary scholarship of the Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma campuses of the University of Washington and Heritage University in Central Washington.
LCH is pleased to announce the availability of small research grants to support collaboration between academic investigators and Latino communities or community-based organizations. Successful applicants will include both an academic investigator and a community partner.
Two levels of funding are available. Academic and community partners that are in the early stages of collaboration can apply for small grants of up to $5,000 to support planning for future research projects. Those applying to conduct pilot research projects can request up to $20,000. Funds can be awarded to the community organization, the researcher’s institution or both. Applicants are encouraged to seek matched funding from their department or other units.
Key Dates
- Letter of Intent due: March 16, 2018
- Full application due: April 30, 2018