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Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Pilot Awards Due March 23

Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Pilot Awards Due March 23

The University of Washington’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, in collaboration with the Friends of Alzheimer’s Research, is funding pilot research awards related to the Center’s theme of Precision Medicine for the Molecular and Clinical Complexity of Alzheimer’s Disease.

ADRC’s long-term vision is to develop the knowledge and technology necessary for optimal targeting and timing of disease-modifying interventions that stop or slow Alzheimer’s disease.

Awards: Up to three, one-year awards (5/1/15 – 4/30/16) of $30,000 direct costs each.

Eligibility: Applicants must be senior fellows or faculty of the University of Washington at rank no higher than Assistant Professor (Acting titles accepted). Prior ADRC Pilot awardees are ineligible.

Application Due: Submit by 4 p.m. on March 23, 2015 as a single pdf file to Molly Chin (

Application Components

  1. Cover Letter addressing:
    • How does research relate to Precision Medicine for Alzheimer’s disease?
    • Why are existing resources inadequate for the proposed work?
    • How will the pilot project facilitate future independent funding?
    • List of three or more possible reviewers and any to be excluded as reviewers.
  2. Completed NIH Form Pages: Face page (Form Page 1), abstract (Form Page 2), budget page (Form Page 4) and justifications (Form Page 5), biographical sketch(es) for key personnel, and Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table Format Page if applicable.
  3. Research Plan: Up to four pages of narrative, not including references. Follow general NIH instructions for the Research Plan.
  4. Animal / Human Studies: If animals or humans are involved in your proposal, assurance of IRB and/or IACUC application is required.
  5. Institutional Approval: UW signatures are not required to submit. An eGC1 is not needed at time of submission.

Award Selection

Selection by the ADRC will be based upon (i) scientific merit, (ii) likelihood of leading to future funding, and (iii) alignment with Center theme of Precision Medicine for Alzheimer’s disease.


Will be made by the ADRC prior to May 1, 2015.

ADRC Contact for Questions

Molly Chinn
206-277-3281 / Email