23 May ITHS Announces 2017 Cohort of Translational Research Scholars
Ten awardees have been selected for the ITHS Translational Research Scholars Program (TRSP). This program offers one year of high-quality, targeted, and structured career development for investigators from across the five-state WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho) region. Through this program, the ITHS seeks to increase the number of early stage investigators who are successful in submitting and obtaining K or R-series funding from the NIH and promote retention of scholars in translational research.
Current scholars attribute their successes in networking with their peers, submitting strong R21 applications, gathering pilot data, and thinking broadly about the implications of their work to TRSP. The award package includes components such as research funding up to $10,000, mentoring, peer-to-peer feedback and expert review services.
The 2017 Translational Research Scholars come from five institutions across the WWAMI region and have research projects which span across the translational spectrum.