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AMIA 2015 Joint Summits Accepts Two ITHS Papers

AMIA 2015 Joint Summits Accepts Two ITHS Papers

Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of WashingtonTwo papers from the Institute of Translational Health Sciences were accepted for publication and presentation at the American Medical Informatics Association 2015 Joint Summits on Translational Science, which will take place March 23 to 27, 2015, in San Francisco. The ITHS papers examine the secondary research uses of clinical data and also researcher needs and barriers to using electronic health data.

Dr. Sally Lee, ITHS Biomedical Informatics Consultant, will present an analysis of research stemming from the secondary use of clinical data at the University of Washington. The analysis details the types of users who are accessing the data. The analysis also examines how the data is being used. From this work, Dr. Lee is able to draw conclusions about the benefits and limitations of secondary data use, which will help drive future improvements to the applicable systems and processes.

Dr. Kari Stephens, ITHS Faculty and UW Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, will describe a qualitative study that assessed needs and barriers to researcher use of electronic health data. The analysis presents researcher responses to the types of tools they need, and also articulates specific barriers that must be overcome to improve reliance on this health data. Through this study, Dr. Stephens is able to present specific findings to inform future design processes that improve access to electronic health data.

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