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How do I add a new user to a REDCap project or get myself to REDCap?

New User (Outside of the University of Washington system)

People without a UW NetID can request a very limited version of the UW NetID by following the instructions below:

  • Fill out the survey found here: New Outside User Survey
    (NOTE: Based on your answers we reserve the right to contact your contact person at the partner institution you supplied or deny you a UW NetID outright.) 
  • You should receive an email within one business day with additional instructions on how to activate your UW NetID.
  • Once your new UW NetID is activated you should be able to login into REDCap. See the New User (with a UW NetID) instructions below for more details.

New Users (with a UW NetID)

  • Go to
  • Select “University of Washington” as your institution.
  • Login with your UW NetID and Password
  • Once you login successfully for the first time, you will be asked to provide your name and a valid email address.
    (NOTE: provide a valid email address since this will be used to send a confirmation email). 
  • Use the link in the confirmation email to complete the registration process.
  • Other users can now add you to their project or you can request your own project(s).

Directions to owner/administrator for adding someone with UW NetID

Before starting this process, please make sure that the user you are adding has logged into REDCap at least once before. If you try to add a user without them logging in at least once, you will effectively block this user from REDCap.

  • Go to “project set up” tab in your project, scroll down to user rights and permissions section, select “user rights”
  • Add new user name in the format [username]
    (NOTE: & will not work due to security constraints.)
  • Select the appropriate user rights– this will generate an invitation that is sent to your new user, and they can now enter database
  • Send new users a follow up email alerting them to the fact that they should have received an email, and if they did not, they should contact you and let you know that this did not work.
    The user should now see the project in their project list.

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