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Webinar on Restricted and Sensitive Data Handling

Webinar on Restricted and Sensitive Data Handling

October 12, 2017 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone

This event, sponsored by the SLA Data Caucus, is free and open to all.


This webinar focuses on restricted and sensitive data handling and balancing this with researchers’ desire to share data. The major themes are: 1) data de-identification for sharing and preservation; 2) the challenges of restricted data for multisite research projects; 3) sharing restricted data through a gatekeeper model; and 4) the intersection between open data and  protection of study participants.

Presenter Bios

David Fearon is Sr. Data Management Consultant for Johns Hopkins University Data Management Services. His team provides a range of research data support and training, and operates the JHU Data Archive. Dave received his MLIS degree from UCLA, with an emphasis on informatics and data curation. He also has a PhD in sociology from UC Santa Barbara, specializing in sociolinguistics and organizations.

Sebastian Karcher is Associate Director for the Qualitative Data Repository ( He regularly teaches workshops on managing qualitative data for researchers and data professionals and is the author, with Dessi Kirilova, of “Rethinking Data Sharing and Human Participant Protection in Social Science Research: Applications from the Qualitative Realm,” published in Data Science Journal ( Sebastian holds a PhD in political science from Northwestern University.

Courtney Soderberg is a Statistical and Methodological Consultant at the Center for Open Science and leads their training programs for reproducible research methods. She has a PhD in experimental social psychology with a minor in quantitative psychology from UC Davis.

Johanna Davidson Bleckman is a Project Manager at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) in the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. She focuses primarily on systems, procedures, and policies for dissemination of restricted access data, including managing an Alfred P. Sloan-funded project to research, design, and pilot a system of transferable and durable researcher credentials for access to restricted data.