08 Nov Pacific Northwest Regional Resources for Biomedical Entrepreneurs
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Biomedical Innovation Fireside Chats
Session 4: Pacific Northwest Regional Resources for Biomedical Entrepreneurs
Join regional program leaders for virtual “fireside chats” with biomedical entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Conversations are aimed at early-stage academic innovators who need to quickly learn the essentials. Events will be held over Zoom and recorded. Learn more about the series and the rest of the sessions here.
Topics for discussion in the session will include:
- Academic Programs
- Accelerators & Incubators
- Advisors
- Competitions
About the Host
Michaele Armstrong, PhD, MBA, is the associate director of sp3nw, an early-stage, life science incubator launched by WSU Health Sciences Spokane. At sp3nw, Michaele mentors startup entrepreneurs and leads ecosystem/economic development through the Flexible Infrastructure for Resilient Entrepreneurship (FIRE) program. Her experience includes small business ownership, 15+ years of bench and clinical research, IRB service, technology transfer and commercialization, biotech business consulting, and life science trade association engagements. She is currently a board member of Evergreen Bioscience Innovation, participates in Leadership Spokane training, and is earning her instrument certificate for her pilot’s license.