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No Participants, No Trial (Don’t Plan for Everything, but Recruitment)

No Participants, No Trial (Don’t Plan for Everything, but Recruitment)

May 6, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
On-Line Event
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Aric Lane


Meeting recruitment goals and timelines is a consistent challenge. Research coordinators are often asked to develop recruitment plans and materials with a limited budget and limited creative backgrounds. This session will provide practical guidance and tips to develop effective recruitment plans, track and measure success, and create eye-catching recruitment materials.

ACRP Competencies:

Study and Site Management

Schedule of activities

  • 12:00-12:10pm – Welcome/Introduction
  • 12:10- 1:15pm – Presentation and review of case studies
  • 1:15-1:25 – Q&A
  • 1:25-1:30pm – Thank you and feedback survey

Learning objectives

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  1. Characterize the study population, anticipate barriers, and develop an effective recruitment plan
  2. Measure, evaluate, and modify recruitment strategies
  3. Create participant recruitment materials that are eye-catching and bring participants and study teams together

About the speaker

Michael DonahueMichael Donahue, BS, is a Research Coordinator at the University of Washington’s Clinical Trial Office and Institute of Translational Health Sciences. Mike is a seasoned coordinator and provides a wide-range of general research coordination, regulatory support, and study monitoring to investigators.  Mike provides research training for investigators and staff, and has become skilled in problem solving recruitment and retention issues. He has provided extensive support for clinical research programs: cardiology, hepatology, nephrology, surgery, oncology, otolaryngology, health services, rheumatology, and rehabilitation medicine.

Event Video