15 Nov How to Build a Research Budget
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Event Video
In this session, we will discuss how to break down a research plan into digestible, cost-driving components, and how best to estimate appropriate levels of effort. We will cover the basics of developing an agile budgeting tool, including tips and tricks for modifying a budget template for different applications. Other topics will include typical sponsor critiques, downsizing, and common pitfalls in research budgeting.
Event Materials
5 MBPRESENTATION: How to Build a Research Budget
It may be helpful, but not required, for attendees to review this site for general information about federal cost principles: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/HTML5/section_7/7.2_the_cost_principles.htm
Attendees may also download the spreadsheets linked below to be used in activities during the seminar:
11 KBHANDOUT: Breakout Activity 1 – The Aim11 KBHANDOUT: Breakout Activity 2 – The Budget
Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, attendees will be able to:
- Break down any written research aim into a list of specific, cost-driving component categories
- Identify at least two of the federal Cost Principles
Schedule of Activities
- 12:00-12:05pm – Welcome/Introduction
- 12:05-1:25pm – Presentation and Q&A
- 1:25-1:30pm – Thank You/Closing
About the Speakers
Denise Cecil, PhD, received her BS in Microbiology from Michigan State University in 1996. After graduation, she joined a B-cell biology lab at The Scripps Research Institute focused on rheumatologic diseases. She then moved over to the UC San Diego’s Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology Department in 2000 and worked as a technician. In 2008 she received her Ph.D. from UC San Diego in Molecular Pathology, examining the role of non-traditional inflammatory cytokines in the modulation of the pathogenesis and progression of osteoarthritis. Currently, Dr. Cecil is working with the Cancer Vaccine Institute (CVI) on the development and characterization of peptide-specific vaccines for breast and ovarian cancers.
Lauren Corulli, MS, has been with the CVI since 2010. She received her Bachelor of Science in Biology-Physiology from The University of Washington, and her Masters in Project Management from City University Seattle. Lauren supervises and oversees the CVI Animal Core, having worked with pre-clinical models since 2008. She also oversees program budget management and award applications for the CVI, and lab operations with other research staff. When she’s not working on a budget or helping a PI to schedule a preclinical experiment, she’s taking her two little boys to the park to run around.