02 Mar CTSA Visiting Scholar Grand Rounds: Heidi Munger Clary, MD, MPH
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Event Description
University of Washington’s Institute of Translational Health Sciences is hosting Heidi Munger Clary from Wake Forest University School of Medicine through the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Visiting Scholars Program on March 26th at 12pm PST.
Dr. Munger Clary’s talk is titled: Anxiety & depression in epilepsy: Learning health system research to address care gaps .
This program is designed to connect individuals with institutional KL2 awards from outside the UW with established UW faculty in their field as they consider next steps in their career. The goal is that these connections will persist beyond the visit and that this program will foster exchange of ideas and collaboration among different CTSAs.
About the Speaker
Heidi M. Munger Clary, MD, MPH is Associate Professor of Neurology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Epilepsy Fellowship Director. She is an adult epileptologist whose research focuses on anxiety and depression in epilepsy using learning health system methods. The overarching goal is to develop and test strategies for neurology clinic-based action to close the treatment gap for these impactful comorbidities. Her current KL-2 project is entitled “Anxiety and depression in epilepsy: Assessing outcomes using the electronic medical record,” and her career development plan includes formal training in implementation science. Dr. Munger Clary’s relevant current and recent national leadership roles include Chair of the American Epilepsy Society Psychosocial Comorbidities Special Interest Group, Chair of the American Academy of Neurology Epilepsy Quality Measurement Workgroup, and Chair of the American Epilepsy Society Psychosocial Comorbidities Committee.