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Benaroya Research Institute K Scholar Program

Benaroya Research Institute K Scholar Program

The Benaroya Research Institute K Scholar program in clinical/translation immunology is a mentored research career development program jointly conducted through ITHS and the Benaroya Research Institute.  This is an opportunity for an outstanding translational investigator to work and learn in a world-class environment. The K program is an opportunity for an outstanding translational investigator to work and learn in a world-class environment. The BRI K Scholar will be also part of the ITHS KL2 Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development program, and thus have the added benefit of a peer training group and access to the ITHS core curriculum.

Program length: Up to 3 years

About Benaroya Research Institute

Benaroya Research Institute (BRI) is a non-profit academic research institute focused on immune mediated diseases including type 1 diabetes, rheumatic disease, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, allergy and asthma.  BRI is a world leader in immune mediated disease research, with cutting edge basic, translational, and clinical science investigators. BRI faculty include outstanding NIH funded laboratory and clinically based investigators providing a robust scientific milieu and focused mentorship to facilitate the development of translational researchers.

With multiple core research facilities, established clinical registries and repositories, advanced technologies, experienced clinical coordinators and a clinical research center, BRI provides a wealth of resources for trainees. BRI has strong local, national, and international collaborations. Two multi-center, international, NIH funded clinical trial networks are led by BRI investigators; the Immune Tolerance Network and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet.


The BRI K Scholar program is designed for career development of promising clinical/translational investigators in the immunology of type 1 diabetes.  Applicants must have a license to practice medicine in the US.  We expect that K Scholars will be postdoctoral levels trainees or at the early junior faculty level. However, established investigators making a career change into clinical research will also be considered. Individuals with current or previous NIH funding are not excluded from this program. Preference is given to those trained in pediatric or adult endocrinology; however, physicians with other training are also encouraged to apply. At least 75% of the BRI K scholar’s time is be devoted to training and research. Salary will be provided for up to 3 years. Physicians are expected to be eligible to provide clinical care at collaborating institutions such as University of Washington or Seattle Children’s hospital as applicable.

How to Apply

Interested applicants can direct questions and submit their CV to Carla Greenbaum MD, Director of the Diabetes Program at Benaroya Research Institute.