27 Apr Target Two Kickoff
The CTMS program is excited to kick off Target 2: UW Non-Oncology Subjects and Protocols Assessment. The Target 2 core team and subject matter experts participated in a kickoff meeting for Target 2 on April 27. Dr. John Slattery, Vice Dean of Research and Graduate Education at the UW School of Medicine and Executive Sponsor for Target 2, provided the opening remarks and reaffirmed the guiding principles of the CTMS implementation.
Led by Dr. Carson Simões, Assistant Director of Analytical Services at UW School of Medicine and Institutional Lead for Target 2, and Walt Baker, Target 2 Project Manager, the project team reviewed the drivers behind their mission, the organizational structure of the team, the project scope and associated milestones. The Target 2 assessment is scheduled to conclude in December 2018 and will lay the foundation for the CTMS implementation for UW non-oncology in 2019/2020.