21 Nov Target Three Design Update
Starting in September, the Target Three implementation has been focused on Study Financial Management. The project team, working groups, and individual study team participants have worked diligently on the design of Target Three.
Working Group Updates:
- The UW Non-Oncology Working Group is focused on establishing the minimum footprint of study and subject data that needs to be tracked for UW Non-Oncology studies. More than 50% of the minimum footprint have been drafted for this study portfolio
- The Budget Working Group is focused on defining workflows for study budget development. The group has defined two budgeting service models: fully central and partially central which have been shared with study team members who are serving on CTMS Design & Adoption Advisory Groups. The working group is also actively collaborating with the chargemaster working group on defining the various protocol related costs, CPT based subject procedures, non-CPT based subject procedures and areas such as staff effort that need to be included in study budgets
- The Coverage Analysis & Coding working group has defined high-level workflows for coverage analysis, and CPT assignment. The group has also initiated engagement with Big 4 areas to establish researching coding and pricing touchpoints
- The Intake & Activation Working Group is looking to define an updated study intake process unified across Oncology and Non-Oncology. The group has gathered requirements from various stakeholders and is developing a prototype use REDCap
- The Metrics Working Group is developing definitions for study start-up metrics and identifying current and future state data sources
- The Chargemaster Working Group is reviewing 2019 usage data for research charges and has loaded a draft research chargemaster into our test environment for hands-on validation by working group members
- The Calendars Working Group is reviewing builds of example studies to determine institutional style guides for standard development of study calendars
- Epic Workgroups are focused on establishing workflows for mapping the OnCore chargemaster to Epic and defining workflows for receiving electronic billing grids from Oncore to Epic
- The Post Award Working Group is outlining workflows for subject visit tracking and sponsor invoicing
Design & Adoption Advisory Group Update:
The CTMS Program Office began orientation and design meetings with the Design & Adoption Advisory groups (DAAGs). These groups are composed of a cross-section of study team staff from Oncology and Non-Oncology. DAAGs provide insight on the proposed workflows from each working group. Their insight and recommendations influence final CTMS workflow design for usability and efficiency. The following DAAGs have been convened and have provided input on the future implementation plans for OnCore:
- UW Non-OncologySubjects & protocols
- Pre-Award
- Post- Award
The CTMS Program Office highly values the DAAG members who contribute their time and expertise to improve our Target Three efforts. Design efforts and meetings will continue until early March. For any questions, please contact us at ctmspm@uw.edu.