04 Mar Target Three Completes Design Phase
As planned, the CTMS Target Three effort that is focused on implementation of study financial management features in OnCore has completed the Design phase. Since the project kickoff on September 25, 2019, various design activities including 50+ design meetings and two all-day design sessions have been conducted to define our future state workflows in OnCore.
On February 13th, the CTMS Implementation Team hosted our second all-day design session with the Design & Adoption Advisory Groups (DAAGs) to continue the immersive design experience they have been participating in since October. The session recapped all workflows reviewed to date in a comprehensive story line to illustrate how OnCore and supporting solutions will be leveraged to realize Target 3 goals. As a next step, we are hosting DAAG Design Validation sessions in the spring to review how our design plays out in “real world” study examples that have been provided by DAAG members.
We are grateful for the engaged and constructive participation from our study teams, representatives from the UW Clinical Trials Office (CTO), FH Clinical Research Support (CRS), SCCA Research Integration (RI), UW Medicine Research IT (RIT) and IT Services (ITS), and the CTMS Program Office during the design process. We look forward to our ongoing partnership.
For any questions, please contact us at ctmspm@uw.edu.