22 Jun T1G1 Go-Live Update
Target 1 Group 1 goes live in OnCore on Monday, July 16.
The CTMS Program Office is diligently working to ensure a smooth transition to OnCore. There are a number of activities to be aware of that will assist in this process:
- User training and data validation are underway – study data must be validated during one of the scheduled Practice Labs before the study can be considered “live” in OnCore. Please contact the program office with any questions.
- Open house sessions are available – Anyone who is part of a T1G1 team, even if you will not be actively entering or modifying information in the CTMS, can benefit from attending an open house. The schedule is available on our events calendar.
- Training documentation and videos are available – You can access training documents and videos using your institutional login and password.
- Info Sessions for the Epic subject status changes are underway – All staff who utilize Epic for study enrollments will be impacted by the July 16 go-live date as subject statuses in Epic will be updated to match the OnCore CTMS statuses. To learn more about this change, please see our events calendar or contact the program office.