29 Oct Post Go-Live Data Validation
Prior to go-live, each study team exhibited tremendous effort in performing essential pre go-live data validation. The Program Office is grateful to the study teams for their commitment to data quality in OnCore.
Now that OnCore is live for those study teams in Target 1, we have provided each study team information regarding a few required post go-live data validation activities. These activities were identified prior to the go-live, but due to time constraints, they were deferred after go-live.
Examples of post go-live data validation activities include:
- Updating consent types from “migrated consent” values previously used for purposes of data migration, to the accurate consent type applicable to each subject
- Adding granularity to subject information for treatment trials, such as adding the appropriate treatment arm and documenting on-treatment and off-treatment dates as applicable
Study teams have previously been provided instructions on these activities, and the CTMS Program Office is available to answer any questions. We recognize study teams are quite busy and are thankful for your support in maintaining data quality in OnCore, which now serves as our system of record for protocol and subject data.
For any questions on how to perform these post go-live data validation activities, please contact our support desk at CTMS@fredhutch.org or via phone at 206.667.2868.