16 Jul OnCore CTMS is Live for Target 1 Group 1
We are excited to announce the OnCore Clinical Trial Management Tool (CTMS) officially went LIVE July 16th. This project has been an exciting journey for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and the University of Washington as they joined together to build and implement the CTMS.
This large endeavor included teams from across all three institutions and involved:
- 33 Study Teams (T1G1)
- 1,581 protocols migrated
- 26,676 human subjects migrated
- 135 end users that logged on
- 370 end users activated (219 with edit permissions)
- 5 new protocols created on the first day in OnCore
To support users during the go-live, the program office formed a command center for the first two weeks to provide assistance in navigating the tool and to work through any challenges encountered by study teams. The command center is currently investigating 25 functional tickets and 5 technical tickets.
The next step for the OnCore CTMS is the implementation of Target 1 Group 2 (T1G2) study teams, which will go-live on September 17th. The longer term target of instituting the calendar and financial management functionality within OnCore is scheduled for 2019/2020.