22 May Important Training Reminders
CTMS Training Updates
The times and locations for Open Houses have been set. At each event, the CTMS team will review the scope of the project, present a demo and cover workflow impacts. Attendance may be in-person or online.
Training sign-up surveys for T1G1 were sent out mid-May. This training is required for each user. If you did not receive your survey or have any questions, please contact CTMS_Training@fredhutch.org. A full listing of times for practice labs and super user training is available on our event calendar.
CSC Training Curriculum Reminder
A friendly reminder that all clinical research staff in T1G1 who support Consortium PIs on cancer trials must complete the CSC Training Curriculum in Hutch Learning by Friday June 15, 2018 in order to gain access to OnCore CTMS. The CSC Training curriculum contains seventeen e-modules, so we highly encourage you and your teams to finish the training soon, if you have not done so already, to ensure a smooth transition into the CTMS. If you need assistance to access Hutch Learning and the CSC Curriculum, or have questions related to the training, please email CSCTraining or contact CRS at 206-667-4520.