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As of January 1, 2024, two new Protocol Staff roles are required as Minimum Footprint Guidelines for OnCore Data Entry: Primary Regulatory Coordinator and Consenting Provider. Please see the information below regarding role descriptions, scope and location of entry in OnCore CTMS. Primary Regulatory Coordinator Role...

Is your subject’s visit delayed from the expected Planned Date in their Study Calendar? The Visit Status should be set to ‘Planned’ with the new Visit Date. By entering a later Visit Date and Planned status, study teams can avoid receiving queries for incomplete visits past their original Planned Date. If needed, remaining visits...

As a reminder, OnCore Training is a “sandbox” system where study teams may practice and explore research workflows without impact to data entered in the Live OnCore (Production) system. Access to OnCore Training is first granted during assignment of required training courses and is retained after completion. Permissions granted in...

Have you ever wondered which documents to upload for a study amendment? Great news: you only need to upload documents that are pertinent for review by central offices. Only providing those documents makes the amendment process much simpler and quicker for the CTMS amendment team! It is essential to...