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In anticipation of go-live, it is critical that study teams do their part to prepare: Sign-up and participate in training Attend our Open Houses and ask questions Invite the CTMS team to your meetings Keep your data up-to-date...

In coordination with the July 16 OnCore Go-live for the first group of oncology and Fred Hutch non-oncology (T1G1), the subject enrollment statues in Epic will be changing. This will affect ALL studies that use Epic. ...

The CTMS Program Office is taking a number of steps to get the message out about the CTMS implementation including "walking the halls", distributing posters and pamphlets, assembling a Change Leadership Team, and instituting Super User Working Groups....

A friendly reminder that all clinical research staff in Target 1 Group 1 who support Consortium PIs on cancer trials must complete the CSC Training Curriculum in Hutch Learning by Friday June 15, 2018 in order to gain access to OnCore CTMS....