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Do you have a career ladder and, if so, what does progression look like?

Do you have a career ladder and, if so, what does progression look like?

All members of the working group are in the process of developing and expanding internal career ladders to aid in retention and growth within their teams. This effort is especially critical as many sites are located in regions where they must compete with biotech companies for talented workers.

In these ladders, many sites have developed pathways for individual-contributor advancement, separate from traditional promotion into management roles. While all team members want to grow in their careers, they should not be limited by the requirements of a managerial track including number of reports, number of the management roles or their lack of desire to grow by managing others.

From experience, we know that the unique nature of GMP work may not fit well into existing institutional HR job codes and so it is important to develop new job codes and roles, separate from the traditional Research Associate/Research Scientist pathway. This effort often requires hiring managers to work closely with HR so that they better understand the GMP’s needs as well as creatively adapting existing job titles. This allows benchmarking against industry-equivalent positions and responsibilities.