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Mobile Health and Community Outreach

Resources for mHealth Community Outreach

ITHS has spearheaded the mHealth Project to better understand how people in Washington’s Latinx community feel about mobile health technology. Using the data they collected, the project team has created resources to help future researchers meet community needs when working in the field of mobile health.

Mobile health, or mHealth, means patient-facing mobile devices (such as wearable devices and self-monitors) used for a health-related purpose. mHealth has the potential to reduce barriers to healthcare access and improve health equity, but to do so effectively, it must be developed in alignment with community values and experiences. This mHealth project was developed by the ITHS Bioethics, Community Engagement and Biomedical Informatics teams to understand opinions about using technology to monitor health among Hispanics/Latinos around Washington State.

The mHealth project team recruited Hispanic/Latino people in central and western Washington for focus groups to discuss the utility and burden of using technology to monitor health, benefits and barriers of using mHealth technology, and recommendations on how such technology could be improved. The data from the focus groups was used to create a resource to help those are building new mHealth tools approach their work in an effective and equitable way. The project team also developed flyers to share their findings with the participants of the focus groups. These resources are all downloadable below. A paper on the project is also being developed.

Illustration used in the mHealth focus groups showing how data from a smart watch can be used by a child’s parents and medical team to monitor his health conditions.

An older woman wearing a fall monitor. This illustration was used during the mHealth focus groups.

mHealth Developer Resource

To be most effective and equitable, mHealth needs to be designed and implemented with patient needs and community perspectives in mind. This resource provides considerations based on findings from community-based health research about mHealth. These considerations can help mHealth researchers and developers question assumptions about community needs and approach their work through a community-informed lens.

165 KBDownload mHealth Resource for Researchers
mHealth Project Briefs

To share the results of the focus groups with the participants, the mHealth project team created the briefs below. One was designed for the community organizations who partnered with the project team to make the focus groups a success. The other two, one in English and one in Spanish, were sent to the focus group participants themselves.

Illustration of a mother and daughter being shown how to use a cough monitor.

  • Kraft SA, Chopra S, Duran M, Rojina JA, Beretta A, López KI, Javan R, Wilfond BS, Rosenfeld M, Fogarty J, Ko LK. Community Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Mobile Health Tools: A focus group study of Hispanic and Latinx community members. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2025 (in press). doi: 10.2196/59817
  • Chopra S, Beretta A, Duran M, López KI, Rojina JA, Ko LK, Rosenfeld M, Wilfond BS, Fogarty J, Kraft SA. Developing a resource for supporting community-based health research: towards considerations for advancing equity in mobile health technology. In Companion of the 2024 Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW Companion ’24), November 9–13, 2024, San Jose, Costa Rica. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

This project was funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) under grant number3UL1TR002319-06S1, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) agreement number R01LM012810, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) IIS-1813675.