Terry R. Rogers, MD
Foundation for Health Care Quality
Dr. Rogers is CEO of the Foundation for Health Care Quality, and he will present information about the clinical quality programs of the Foundation. These programs rely heavily on the collection, organizing, analysis and reporting of clinical data, and have been very successful in guiding clinical care in areas of specific focus. Issues of variabilities between and amongst hospitals will be displayed, as well as reflections on quality, outcomes and cost implications.
Dr Rogers is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist by training, having spent 15 years running those programs at Swedish Hospital, followed by 8 years working as a medical executive in the medical insurance industry, where he was extensively involved in using large claims data bases to identify and track resource use and practice variations.
He has extensive experience in the elder care and addiction medicine fields and has been the CEO of the Foundation for the past 6 years. Dr Rogers is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Cornell University Medical School, and he received the bulk of his postgraduate training at the University of Washington.