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Participate in Research connects you to research study teams from the University of Washington and other regional institutions.

ResearchMatch is a free, nationwide database of potential research volunteers sponsored by the NIH.

Volunteer for Research

Regional Focus

Participate in Research

Research studies often end without answering important questions because of a lack of volunteers. To make it easier to participate in the research process, ITHS and the University of Washington’s School of Medicine have built the Participate in Research website to connect members of the community to research study teams.

Researchers are currently looking for study participants of all ages, genders, ethnicities, backgrounds, and health statuses so they can help find the answers needed to improve the health of our community.

To be a part of the solution, please visit the site, and search open studies now.

National Focus

All of Us

All of Us Research ProgramAll of Us is a new research program from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The goal is to advance precision medicine. Precision medicine is health care that is based on you as an individual. It takes into account factors like where you live, what you do, and your family health history. Precision medicine’s goal is to be able to tell people the best ways to stay healthy. If someone does get sick, precision medicine may help health care teams find the treatment that will work best.

To get there, the study needs one million or more people. Those who join will share information about their health over time. Researchers will study this data. What they learn could improve health for generations to come.

Learn more about the program | How to Join


researchmatch.orgThe ITHS is pleased to participate in ResearchMatch, a free, nationwide database of potential research volunteers sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. The goal of ResearchMatch is to bring volunteers together with researchers working towards new medical treatments (not just clinical trials).

Many studies are looking for healthy people of all ages, while some are looking for people with specific health conditions. Considering becoming a ResearchMatch volunteer? Visit the ResearchMatch website to learn more about the registry, and be sure to read the Volunteer FAQ.